EP#29 The Dark Forces


It's fair to say we are living a world of opposition.

Does that mean there is a disturbance in the force?

Have we moved out of a positive-centred balance and what happens when we lose the balance or the energy around us does?

Join Lynette and Kiki as they ponder and discuss the balance of light and dark forces, the possible ways to correct the balance and just how important are our thoughts and actions are.

While the concepts of opposing forces have been shared for millennia they've more recently been explored through modern pop culture.

Star Wars had the Jedi High Council to help keep the balance, who contemplated all aspect of the order and dedicated themselves to service of the balance..

The world of Harry Potter had the Ministry of Magic who oversaw things like magical law enforcement, magical accidents and catastrophes, regulation and control of the uses of magic and magical creatures.

Just the small stuff....and yet we saw that descend into corruption and then transfer into chaos. 

We all remember the "Dementors" from HP that were described as being 

"Among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them... Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life."

It raises the question "Are there such things in the energy world and can they cross into the physical world?

And more importantly "What happens if you encounter one?” 

(Trigger Warning: this episode contains a spooky true story). 

Maybe the real "Dementors” are actually more human and narcissistic in form, seeking complete power and control.

Or is it possible they just wounded souls with no personal light? And what the heck do we do about that? 


Let's talk out the dilemmas & the solutions. 

Ps - Has anyone activated the Bat or Spidey Signal?

Are the superheroes coming? or do we need to accept, they are us!

Other resources to help the #WholeSquadVibrateHigher

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents written by Isabel Wilkerson

Humankind: A Hopeful History written by Rutger Bregman

Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century written by Jonathan Glover


“Woo Woo Verse” episode Spiritual Landscapes for more discussion on the Energy World. 

Forrest Bathing (Shirin Yoku) - https://www.natureandforesttherapy.org/

Mr Danilo