BONUS Reset & Restore Meditation

Reset and Restore Meditation The Woo Woo 'Verse

The world is a little wild right now. Not so in balance.

Enjoy some moments of reset with this Bonus Meditation.

Things around us are constantly reaching for our attention and energy. So many things seducing us for our connection. 

There are so many opportunities to indulge and fill ourselves up with energy outside of ourselves.  Sometimes things become so imbalanced, the congestion becomes so much, that we even lose the connection with ourself and our sense of what is right and true for us. We often even lose our divine connection. 

But the great thing is- we're here to help you with just that. Learning how to call ourselves back into balance is key to having the energy and power we need to navigate life, at our disposal when it is most required. 

The reset and rebalance energy meditation is here to help you complete the task, rejuvenate yourself when you feel depleted drained.

If this increases your peace or helps in any way- let us know via an iTunes written review  with a sprinkling of stars. It makes our hearts sing helps the #wholsquadvibratinghigher 

Mr Danilo