Manifestation Manifesto

Manifestation Manifesto

Manifestation is certainly a buzz word in Self Help & Wellness circles. 

In fact, some of the most powerfully selling around 'getting what we want", happens at the start, middle and end of a year'. 

Are you as over it? Does it make you want to run for the hills or tune out?

Apparently, "Manifestation Fatigue" is a new thing. 
Have you been wondering why your vision board from last year has lost its lustre and not sure what to think or trust anymore?

Or questioning how you could have followed the steps and ended up with something you thought you wanted, but actually didn't get the outcome you were wishing for?

Or are you wondering if your manifestation delivery is stuck in the universal postal system behind a million other special requests, and you've been forgotten? 

Join Lynette and Kiki as they open the discussion and their #gratitude journals 🙄and ask, should manifestation come with a warning label? Have we failed to read the fine print? Is there a little more to 'The Secret' then we have been lead to believe and could it be wrapped up in a whole lot of white privilege?

And they float the concept that manifesting (wait for it......) is actually part of our naturally maturing spiritual development rather than the place we begin.

Ok, we heard you roaring. 

You asked,  - and here it is! 

Oh- and BTW- as come to the end of Season 2 of TWWV we'd love to hear what you loved, what challenged you / made you think or inspired you in any way. Please leave us your thoughts with a written review on iTunes with a generous sprinkling of stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

It helps pour magical rocket fuel on our engines to come back with Season 3

Mr Danilo