EP#33 The Great Awakening

Spiritual Podcast The Woo Woo Verse

So, here we are at the end of 2020. 

It’s fair to say we have had been through a "quickening" of sorts.
Some say we’ve experienced a collective awakening.

At times its felt like time stood still and other times like it was moving at warp speed … 
but what have we learnt?

From the heart-wrenching scenes, the losses, the passion, the power and shocks, are we ever going to be the same? And are we meant to be? 

We certainly learnt how to prepare for a Zoom call, how to wash our hands, what WAP means, but we also learnt a whole lot of other stuff as well.

And what does that mean spiritually and energetically as we move forward?

Saddle up Woo Woo crew as Lynette and Kiki take a canter down memory lane and dissect the journey that was The Great Awakening.

BTW- if you've been loving having us keep you company via your ears- we'd ask a small favour in return. If you could leave us a written review on iTunes..it helps put fuel in the Woo Woo 'Verse spaceship to help us keep navigating you through the spiritual realms. Think of it as your ticket to ride. 

Mr Danilo