EP#32 FAQ's 2.0

Spiritual Podcast The Woo Woo Verse

Throughout season 2 listeners (aka the Woo Woo Crew) sent in some thought-provoking Q's ... They included everything from needing more information on Twin Flames, the Dark Forces, favourite Meditations, Crystals,  for information about Truth, what to do before we die - just the run of the mill, woo - woo easy stuff. 

Join Lynette and Kirileigh as they work through the viewer’s letters and attempt to do all they can to complete the necessary answers required to claim the Woo Woo Trivial Pursuit piece of pie.

... It's a little off-road, it's a little casual, but hey - it's Dec 2020 and anything goes.

Follow us on insta @woowooverse or visit woowooverse.com

Mr Danilo