Season 2 BONUS- Festivus Re-gifted

Spiritual Podcast The Woo Woo Verse

Do you ever just want to buy a cabin in the woods if for no other reason than to be able to hear the sound of your own heart beating?

Do you find relationships complicated?

Are you wishing there Tis the season to be jolly (and efficient!)
In these upside-down times, we pause our usual programming and we've decided to rewrap and re-gift last year's Festivus episode. Hey..... don't judge! It as it still has lots of delicious goodness for you to feast on...seriously!


We may no longer need ritual for our physical survival, but what about our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being? Is it essential or should we let it go altogether? 

As societies move away from religious ceremonies it has left us a bit in the dark and stressed about how to mark the major points in our lives.  Dally Messenger (author of ‘Ceremonies & Celebrations’) says these yearly ceremonies, rituals and celebrations are an expression of culture which allow us to connect and generate love, forging and declaring the bond between each other and establish our identity through the generations ... Is that exactly why it can be so difficult when we feel isolated, as these periods remind of us what is missing? Or have we begun to miss the whole point and should we be using it as a reminder to reach out and connect? ... ... 

Insert mic drop and sound of record scratching.

Cut to a modern living room.

And what happens when someone puts the wrong jelly in the trifle, you refuse to be in the family photo or a distant relative mentions something that silences everyone while passing the potatoes.

Is it possible to self-care, ground and breathe freely through the triggers of the festive season?  Can we find our way back home?

Pour yourself some egg-nog and meet us by the office photocopier for some woo woo conversation as the girls unpack the holiday period.

In the festive spirit and also to help the #WholeSquadVibratingHigher please gift us an iTunes written review with a sprinkling of stars.

Mr Danilo